
Showing posts from January 23, 2011

Three videos added to fit the mood.

            The following videos that were added tonight are videos that reflect my true feelings tonight. For all of us who have been abused it is true that someone ran away with our innocence, that there is a room full of broken halos. Every time we sit and either by choice or not, begin to reflect on our past it is true that they seem so much closer then they really are and this is one thing that is so hard to get over. And no matter what your belief is, if you have faith God will carry you through the pain of life and will lead the people to you who will help you on your journey. IF, only you believe…..

ECT and Memory

Yes, it has been almost a month since I have posted into my blog. It's not that I have not had enough to say but rather it has not been easy to get out into words. It has been a little over a month since my sixteen day hospital stay and I have lost count on how many ECT's I have had. I was at three a week, then down to two a week and now I am at once a week for what they call maintenance. I still cannot tell you what effect these treatments have had on me as of yet, and I am not sure what path I am truly walking down with these. What I do know is that my short term memory has been severally affected by them. I forget conversations, things I have talked about, things I have done and often even names and dates of things. It really is frustrating to go thru this because I know I am having problems bringing things to the front of my mind and no matter how much or how hard I think about it, I just cannot do it. It almost causes a headache trying to think as hard as I do because I k...