Don't nurses know the difference between CSA and Rape?
Last time I blogged I spoke about how my day of check in went which was on Tuesday December, 7th and the first full day on the floor on Wednesday. What I did not write was that after I posted my blog I met with the social worker on the floor. She asked me pretty much the same questions however she read that the intake nurse put into her notes that I raped my sister. Say WHAT???
During the intake process, after telling her about my CSA and how my brother forced my sister and I to engage in sexual intercourse she wrote that I raped my sister. All the abuse started with me raping my little sister. I have no idea how she could come up with this type of conclusion and she has or had no idea what that has done to me, how could a nurse on a mental ward not be able to understand what I was telling her or was she listening at all. Was this nurse so confused. I was not able to sleep a wink very well last night and oh did the nightmares creek into my sleep. What really bothers me is in order to get better results from the ECT, my doctor lowered by half my medication that was given to me to fight off the nightmares or terrors as I call them. My mind is racing, I am shaking were I can’t even type let alone spell these words correct. Thank god for spell check on the program I use prior to posting into the post section of the blog.
This morning I forced myself out of bed about 9:00, washed and brushed my hair and then put on a new set of clothes on. I made my way down to what they call the day room and ate a little breakfast, returned to my bed and laid down again. Well, my Doctor called me down to meet with him and we discussed that I will start my first treatment of ECT on Friday at 7am. If everything goes as planned he said I could go home on Saturday but if there is any abnormal type of reaction I will stay as an impatient until my next ECT appointment on Monday, then I would go home on Tuesday. Basically the ECT that goes okay I will go home after and begin an outpatient regiment of Monday, Wednesday and Friday for the next two weeks. Seven treatments in all unless there seems to be a need for more, but we will cross that road when we get to it.
I explained to my wife and social worker that although I will not do it, this saying I raped my own sister when all along I tried to protect her and sent my brains into scrambled eggs. I am in such a depression and have such a headache I cannot begin to tell you know it feels to be a survivor and something like that be written into your permanent medical records. I know my Social worker and My Doctor are going to put notes in that the statement is false it still bothers me that the fact this note even exists in my records is something I am having a problem dealing with or handling. My wife called the Doctors office who called him while he and I were in conference this morning and she stated she is going to call the hospital administrator which I what I would have done if the phones were more private and I could discuss what happened and what it has done to me.
I am going to lay down and try and relax, all my tests that were taken yesterday came back okay and a medical doctor is going to be seeing me this after noon for approval and then my Doctor will be in again tonight to see how I am doing prior to the ECT. Just based on this Rape thing I am ready to leave today but know I need to do this for me and my family. I will let you know what happens later in the day if anything changes between now and then. Until Next Time…